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Be Part of Something Remarkable

The Hidden Leaders Community is a unique space where like-minded leaders grow together. For a modest financial and time investment each month, this group delivers incredible impact, giving you a framework for personal and professional development that will rapidly change the trajectory of your career.

Introducing the ‘Emerge and Lead’ framework

The community onboarding process will introduce you to our unique ‘emerge and lead’ approach.  Using key, research-backed personal growth concepts, you’ll be guided to build clarity about your ambitions for the future. You’ll be supported to experiment with new practices, exploring how to make changes to your daily routine to build momentum towards the future you choose. You will build a robust framework to capture new learning and directly apply it to what matters most, ensuring your gains compound, rather than being lost over time.

  • Influence - Upgrade your identity to see yourself through a different lens. Discover how being your future self results in doing what's necessary to have the things you want in your life. You don't need to wait for confidence, you just need to uncover it.

  • Leading others - Explore your relationship with power and strengthen your unique and valuable leadership style. Increase your impact exponentially, by being authentically aligned with your values.

  • Balance - Your environment shapes your life. We will review how you can design your life and environment to prioritise wellbeing and balance,  and make your default future the one you actually want.

Inside the Hidden Leaders community we do the work together, exploring areas including:

  • Your future self - Discover the power of getting to know your future self. Learn how to meaningfully connect to the person you are going to become and experience the radical uplift in confidence and synchronicity that results.

  • Managing mindset and energy - Explore the opportunity within the stories of your life. Uncover unhelpful beliefs and expand your perspective to reveal the options you need to make rapid progress.

  • Connection - Invest time to think about your most important relationships, in work and in life. The quality of your life depends on the quality of your connection with others.

  • Meaningful productivity - It's not about doing more, it's about doing the right things. Together we will explore how to prioritise for growth. You'll be surprised at how little actually matters.

Community Matters

Personal change and growth is empowering and inspiring, but at times it is also hard. You can’t be half-in, you have to do the work if you want to make progress. That’s why the people around you are so important - having support to inspire you, advise you and keep you moving forward when it gets tough. Learning from those ahead of you and building confidence by supporting those behind you. It is a cliché because it is true: "if you want to go far, go together".

By surrounding yourself with a community of peers who are on the same path and also committed to ambitious goals for the future, you will upgrade your chance of success. A supportive network to expand your thinking, it's the secret to sustained growth and change.

We’re here for you

The Hidden Leaders community is an ongoing project, there are no cohorts or start and end dates. Join when you are ready and stay for as long as you are getting value. Personal growth is a lifelong journey, we’re here to walk with you for as long as you need.

Following onboarding, you’ll get access to all community content:

  • Short but insightful training videos, with new content added every month. Designed to introduce new ideas and prompt new thinking around our key themes. 

  • Exercises to support self-reflection and application of learning

  • Online discussion space where you can connect with your coach Ali and your peers to learn from and support each other and share your experiences, challenges and wins

  • Monthly community call, with opportunity for 'hot seat’ coaching, as well as deeper discussion in small groups to build connections, expand your thinking and strengthen learning

  • Monthly book club, with recommended reading and the opportunity to discuss your learning in the group


A monthly subscription to change your life.  No minimum term, cancel at any time.

  • Monthly group calls

  • Monthly training videos

  • Individual assignments

  • Access to Hidden Leaders community site


Choose Your Membership Level



For those who are ready to commit to their future self. 12 months of community membership to make this a breakthrough year.

  • Monthly group calls

  • Monthly training videos

  • Individual assignments

  • Access to Hidden Leaders community site

  • Option to book 1:1 coaching sessions


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