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Empower Your Hidden Leadership

Unlock the untapped potential within you and your teams

Hidden Leaders are everywhere—talented, dedicated individuals who have yet to claim their place in the spotlight. You might be one, working diligently, innovating quietly, but not fully recognised for your leadership potential. It's time for a change.

Hidden Leaders are everywhere

Ready to leverage your leadership potential? Explore our coaching programs, sign up for our newsletter, or read more on our blog. Your journey to greater impact starts here.

I'm Alison Wilson, and my journey from chemical engineering to executive coaching has been driven by a passion for unlocking leadership potential in those who may not see it in themselves.  

With a career history in companies including P&G, GSK and PricewaterhouseCoopers, I discovered a fascination with what makes individuals, teams and organisations effective early in my working life.  I have held a wide range of roles across Operations, R&D, consulting and finance and have worked at senior levels including most recently as Chief Operating Officer for BioPhorum, a PE backed professional services organisation.  As an ICF Professional Certified Coach (PCC), I now work as an advisor and coach for leaders. 

I have a deep belief in the power of leadership through service and have developed the "Emerge & Lead Framework" to help hidden leaders emerge and thrive. I'm dedicated to guiding individuals and organisations to discover and harness their unique strengths, transforming how they lead and create impact.

About Me

What people are saying

Ali has sparked incredible growth and change in my life.  With her support, individuals are empowered to unlock their full potential and achieve remarkable results. 


Founder, Success By Design

The Hidden Leaders community is changing the way I think about my life.  The insights I am getting from others on a similar but different path are inspiring and have changed my perspective about what's possible.  


Biopharma Industry Change Manager

My conversations with Ali have truly been transformative.  I feel I somehow more deeply understand what I already knew,  making it possible to take new actions and get a step change in results.  


Marketing Manager

The program offers personalised coaching and mentoring to:

  • Develop personal awareness and leadership skills

  • Grow influence and impact

  • Transform limiting behaviour patterns

  • Create career strategies to align your work with your ambition and talent.

The Hidden Leaders program is designed for those who resonate with the concept of servant-leadership.  It builds the mindset and skills to leverage their exceptional leadership approach, amplifying their impact and transforming them into the senior leaders of the future.

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